Matthias asked
2 day ago

What are some signs that a TV show is running out of ideas?

Matthiasis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Rhodora says:

    When a female character who never really expressed interest in (or flat out didn’t want to) having kids suddenly develops baby rabies and has to have one NOW.

  2. Tanny says:

    “”Flashback” episodes where characters sit around and discuss memories, which are really just scenes from previous episodes. We get about 2 minutes of new dialogue and get to watch snippets of reruns that are already in syndication and likely on TBS 5 times a week. Edit: a lot of people are mentioning shows that flashback to old stuff but it’s all new footage. I don’t consider these the same thing. Yes they’re “flashbacks” but if it’s all new footage I see it as part of the ongoing storyline. edit 2: I get it, it’s about money – I still hate it. edit 3: Having done some research into “clip episodes” apparently back in the day these were some of the highest rated episodes of a series and were well looked forward to, go figure – New age and all that! “

  3. THALIA says:

    When a main character goes water skiing and jumps over a shark.

  4. Ellamari says:

    Clip shows. I already watched the older episodes, why the hell would I want to watch them all again lazily thrown into a quarter of a storyline?

  5. WENONA says:

    “A dream episode, because some of the more far fetched things can’t be shown on a regular episode, so they have the character “dream” what if or an alternate universe, because then it can be at least slightly plausible. “

  6. Katri-Maria says:

    He becomes a lumberjack. The end.

  7. Mia-Riitta says:

    “Either the plot gets wacky and wacky-er or they kill someone off to “shake things up.” “

  8. iqra says:

    Trip to Disney. Someone has a baby. Episodes turn out to be dream sequences. One of the more talented actors dies, because they were offered better roles and the writers try to milk it for at least three episodes. Pretty much anything that happened in one of the classic 90’s sitcoms in their last two seasons Full House, Step by Step, Family Matters, etc Edit: Flashback episodes, forgot about that one. And as someone reminded me, just watch the very last season of Roseanne and you’ll learn exactly how a sitcom crashes and burns when the writers stop giving a shit.

  9. Havivah says:

    Characters endlessly get in and out of relationships with each other, even totally incompatible ones Especially the weird/quiet/loner character start getting in and out of relationships. That is a definite jump the shark sign Character traits get exaggerated Previously unimportant side characters are given the spotlight and turns out they are super important to the plot or have been living totally wacky lives Previously unknown family members appear and they are all wacky as shit Plotlines from previous seasons get rehashed but they are more and more epic and/or weird New character gets introduced, the show pretends that he has been there the entire time and super good friends with the main characters Main characters get given new traits and the show pretends that they have been there the entire time The stakes get 10x higher, a bunch of cops trying to catch a serial killer are now trying to save New York City from a major terrorist attack that will kill millions

  10. Milka says:

    When the characters lurch from one safe point to the next which then (predictably) turns out not to be a safe place after all, then they face off against the baddie of the season.

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