Matthias asked
1 day ago

What are some signs that a TV show is running out of ideas?

Matthiasis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. BILLYE says:

    The sister falling in love with her brother who happens to be a serial killer.

  2. When villains have same power like the flash

  3. Libbi says:

    Focusing on side characters and their pointless side stories instead of the main character and plot. See Dexter on the last 3 or 4 seasons for an example. After watching Iron Fist and being completely disappointed by it, I looked up some information on it and found that it was the same show runner that made Dexter horrible in the last few seasons.

  4. Charmain says:

    When they save the world for the 3rd time. SUPERNATURAL

  5. Gordon says:

    When the funny stupid character becomes a total asshole, examples being Patrick star and Peter Griffin.

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