1 month ago

If instead of rebooting movies, retelling them from a different point of view became popular, which movie would you like retold?

JOSEFINEis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Silke Farber says:

    The Bee Movie following Ken and his experience of losing his girl to a bee

  2. TEOFILA says:

    Deadpool 1 from the cab driver’s perspective.

  3. Larine says:

    The Big Lebowski from either Walter or Donny’s POV could be pretty interesting.

  4. Jaws from the shark’s POV. They hunted him down and blew him up because he was hungry.

  5. Shamso says:

    Titanic- two hours of an iceberg floating peacefully in the water, until we see a ship approach, crash and sink. All in real time of course!

  6. JOVITA says:

    Mulan but from Shang’s POV- his bisexual awakening Edit: My first Gold! Thank you 🙂

  7. Bathsheba says:

    Inception, but from the perception of someone who’s only dreaming.

  8. I always thought a Superman’s opponent perspective would be amazing. You barely see Superman the whole movie, yet you can feel this inevitability. You just see a blue red blur and in a blink everything is finished. The sheer difficulty of overcoming something too powerful and unstoppable. The unfairness of him being on earth. It could be done really well. Maybe if we had an awesome Lex Luthor. Maybe.

  9. Henrika says:

    Mean girls but Regina George’s POV

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