1 month ago

If instead of rebooting movies, retelling them from a different point of view became popular, which movie would you like retold?

JOSEFINEis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Dov says:

    “It Follows. Perspective of the “It”. “

  2. Tanja Pabst says:

    The story of how Grandpa Joe got into bed and then decided to just stay there the lazy old cunt. Explain yourself.

  3. Axel says:

    heathers, jds point of view would be really interesting

  4. Dela says:

    “I want “The Tragedy of Lo-Pan.” How Lo-pan. Was cursed and how he wanted to be human again but the centuries turned him cruel and resentful to others. “

  5. natasja says:

    Little mermaid from Ursula’s perspective

  6. Leanne says:

    The Matrix from the perspective of the Architect.

  7. tone says:

    Peter Pan (the version with Robin Williams) from Rufio’s point of view. Edit: the movie I’m referring to is actually titled Hook

  8. Feyza says:

    The Truman Show from Sylvia’s POV would be an interesting film

  9. Ozzy says:

    Halloween/Jason……I want to see how the fuck these two get everywhere so fast while being so slow. They gotta be opening portals or something.

  10. Heleena says:

    I’d want to see the kickass Nick Fury movie that’s lurking in the background of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

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