Fazilet asked
2 week ago

What is a place that you’ve always wanted to travel to?

Faziletis awaiting your help. Add your answer.

  1. Maggee says:

    I feel like a bit of a smug bastard from going down this list and going been there, been there, been there, not there, been there. Couldn’t say I’ve been to space, though.

  2. Slade says:

    I’ve always wanted to go to Sweden. Beautiful women, great meatballs, and I love the cold.

  3. CHANTE says:

    Japan because hot asians.

  4. AIDE says:

    St. Petersburg, Russia

  5. Ukraine. I want to visit the ruins of Pripyat. Plus, Ukrainian girls…swoon

  6. TWANA says:

    I’d love to go to that underwater hotel. This one. Seems awesome.

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