anwar asked
1 month ago

What would you do with a cardboard box?

anwaris awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. ALTAGRACIA says:

    Use it as the ultimate stealth utility tool OBVIOUSLY, impervious to almost every kind of detection method, if snake can disguise himself as a random box in the middle of a high alert military facility, I’m sure I can remain undetected from my neighbours who I’m spying on.

  2. Neddy says:

    Use it to sneak past Soviets

  3. MERLENE says:

    Let my cat play in it

  4. Floris says:

    Depends. Is it bog enough to completely conceal me? Then i will hide in it with the box standing in the living room and then i will scare the shit out of every breathing lifeform

  5. Milla-Emilia says:

    If I fit in it, I keep it for a few days and just stay in it and watch YouTube. Either that or I’ll pretend to be solid snake

  6. Merlin says:

    I would ship myself through a wormhole to a non pandemic timeline.

  7. Jenelyn says:

    Most recently I’ve been storing radioactive waste. it helps hold the bag open

  8. Yvonne Herz says:

    “A cat house for Mr. Kitty to hide in and play. It would have windows, a front door, and a “look-out tower” on top for him to survey his kingdom. “

  9. Carmita says:

    Build my own Tardis. Travel back in time to medieval Essex to watch the twelfth Doctor play guitar whilst standing on a tank at the end his own 3 week long knights games.

  10. Maryama says:

    “”Imagination” “

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