Davin asked
1 day ago

How many of you have paid for your meal at a wedding? My gf and I are expected to pay $80-100 each for our meals at an upcoming wedding, the bride says its an “”unspoken tradition””

Davinis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Pollyanna says:

    Not gonna pay someone to go to their wedding. Don’t expect your guests to subsidize your fairy tale.

  2. Marlin says:

    Your gift should cover the cost of your meal, but you shouldn’t have to pay for your meal. That’s tacky. I wouldn’t go.

  3. Thorny says:

    Where I’m from, cash gifts are the norm. It is kind of an unspoken rule that you at least cover the cost of your meal.

  4. Zikra says:

    The bride’s full of shit.

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