Chevalier asked
1 month ago

What trend did you start?

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  1. emma-sofie says:

    Not saying I started this trend as a whole, but at my high school I did. Junior year I decided to shave off one whole side of my hair and have the other side spikey, I thought I looked pretty rad. Everyone talked shit about it, but a month or two later all the other girls were shaving parts of their hair too

  2. Bucky says:

    I introduced some friends to metal music in high school, specifically death and black metal. A few of them caught on and became metalheads and then they influenced other friends and siblings. There’s a good chunk of people on my hometown that are now die-hard metalheads that likely wouldn’t be if I hadn’t shown it to those first few.

  3. Nalani says:

    Naruto running at school

  4. Gofran says:

    “I got 3 sort of “trends” that I started, all in my friends group chat of WhatsApp. When I would totally agree with someone’s message, I would rey to it with a period. This caught on in the chat rather quickly. Then, I figured: “.” means “E” in Morse code, so I started replying to messages I agree with by saying “E”. This also caught on rather quickly. I started using the abbreviation FE/Fe/fe/F.E./F.e./f.e. for “Fair enough”, which also caught on very quickly. “

  5. “At my school, we have something called “Class Color Days” where everybody in each grade dresses up in a specific color. In middle school, my color was pink, but I had nothing to wear. So I got a piece of paper, folded it in half, scribbled on it in pink crayon, and taped it to my chest. I started doing it for every color day, and soon there were copycats. “

  6. Meryl says:

    Pegging pants

  7. LILLIANA says:

    Nothing, because nobody cares about me

  8. Marcello says:

    Isolated trend in a Discord server. I made a joke that I did [nsfw thing here] with a stick. The stick became a joke that evolved into people reposting the screenshot nearly every day. Then it became an emote that people would spam. About a year late, one of the members made it into a spinning stick emote. It lasted maybe a year and a half and persisted even after I left the server. Finally told the mods and admins to remove the emote because I wanted the trend to die.

  9. Taira says:

    “The word fake. I know others, perhaps, have used it before. I also invented the phrase “prime the pump.” “

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