1 month ago

What bad driving habits irritate you the most when you’re sitting in the passenger seat?

JACQUELYNEis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Saw says:

    I hate when the driver turns on their signal AS they’re changing lanes/turning. It drives me nuts when my father throws himself in front of a car without warning because he doesn’t have his signal on ahead of time.

  2. Tarja says:

    “When the driver plays the “punch-buggy” game with her mother. Or when the mother is driving and does that with her daughter. For those who do not know: the game is continually on-going when either of them see a car resembling a Volkswagen Beetle, it’s a race to see who can call out the car’s colour, attach the phrase “punch buggy” and then punch the other participant. For example: the driver is, well, driving, and her mother has shotgun. Her mom sees a blue Beetle, call out “BLUE PUNCH BUGGY” and socks the driver in the arm (while we are moving at considerable speed). It just doesn’t seem like the safest game to play with the driver, while the driver’s driving. If the driver was caught unawares, there could be a chance we’d end up swerving into oncoming traffic. “

  3. Majvar says:

    Staying in the left lane. Arrrgghhh!!!!

  4. Ros-Marie says:

    “Taking the “short cut” around the round-about. (Turning left on the wrong side of the road in America) “

  5. DEANDREA says:

    Parking lot stalking. Just park the f$%#ing car already!! I can walk the extra 20 feet!

  6. Speeding up when going into a turn.

  7. saja says:

    driving the speed limit.

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