“Little House on the Prairie,” the iconic television series based on the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, was primarily filmed at various locations in California, USA. The main filming locations included:
Big Sky Ranch: Located in Simi Valley, California, this ranch served as the primary filming location for exterior shots of the Ingalls’ family home, Walnut Grove town, and other outdoor scenes.
Paramount Ranch: Also situated in the Santa Monica Mountains near Agoura Hills, California, Paramount Ranch was used for additional outdoor scenes, including those depicting various town settings and landscapes.
Warner Bros. Studios: Indoor scenes, including those set inside the Ingalls’ house and other interior locations, were filmed at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, California.
These locations helped create the authentic 19th-century rural atmosphere depicted in “Little House on the Prairie,” capturing the essence of frontier life as experienced by the Ingalls family and their community.
“Little House on the Prairie,” the iconic television series based on the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, was primarily filmed at various locations in California, USA. The main filming locations included:
Big Sky Ranch: Located in Simi Valley, California, this ranch served as the primary filming location for exterior shots of the Ingalls’ family home, Walnut Grove town, and other outdoor scenes.
Paramount Ranch: Also situated in the Santa Monica Mountains near Agoura Hills, California, Paramount Ranch was used for additional outdoor scenes, including those depicting various town settings and landscapes.
Warner Bros. Studios: Indoor scenes, including those set inside the Ingalls’ house and other interior locations, were filmed at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, California.
These locations helped create the authentic 19th-century rural atmosphere depicted in “Little House on the Prairie,” capturing the essence of frontier life as experienced by the Ingalls family and their community.