That’s because scientists are funded by the government and economists are unbiased free-thinkers… jk (partially). Listen, its a shame that things like science and economics are now considered merely political, but the truth is both of them are pretty logical. I do however, think that people believe economics is somewhat of a voodoo pseudo-science, which cannot be further than the truth. And as an econ major, i know that any joe shmo who has a politically driven reason to love or hate economics can have his innocent little world rocked in a matter of seconds. hedge funds, global warming… theyre the boogymen of modern political culture that masks the REAL problem the lies underneath: average human behavior.
It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that the fed is ripping us all off. It also doesn’t take a degree in economics. It is VERY clear that what they are doing is NOT working.
They revere the dollar and their riches in the same way we revere compassion and knowledge. They think science is rubbish, but if you deal with their dollars, you had better agree with them.
Simply, the degree of certainty which scientists have over global warming/vaccines/evolution is much greater. Mainstream economists debate over the role of the Fed. There is not much mainstream debate over evolution. On subjects where experts agree, I tend to defer to them. On subjects where experts do not, I opine. An economist here btw
“To be completely honest, science has been really pissing me off lately. Between the bacteria that “eats plastic” and the planets that are “habitable” I’m getting a bit tired of hearing promises from scientists (and/or people in the science industry) telling us about their discoveries. That is the difference between science and politics. We still believe in science. When a politician tells us that health care is coming/reduced, we get excited because usually it’s a lie. When science says that global warming has been solved, we get upset because we still have faith in science but a majority of the time it results in a fail. “
“”liberal circle jerk” – a friend “
Economics is purposely made confusing and frustrating. If it weren’t how the fuck would Wall-street get away with defrauding the entire world?
That’s because scientists are funded by the government and economists are unbiased free-thinkers… jk (partially). Listen, its a shame that things like science and economics are now considered merely political, but the truth is both of them are pretty logical. I do however, think that people believe economics is somewhat of a voodoo pseudo-science, which cannot be further than the truth. And as an econ major, i know that any joe shmo who has a politically driven reason to love or hate economics can have his innocent little world rocked in a matter of seconds. hedge funds, global warming… theyre the boogymen of modern political culture that masks the REAL problem the lies underneath: average human behavior.
I didn’t do either of those things. How the FUCK does that make sense?
Because economics is not a science.
Because I don’t know how to tell the 50% of economists who are right from the 50% of economists who are wrong.
It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that the fed is ripping us all off. It also doesn’t take a degree in economics. It is VERY clear that what they are doing is NOT working.
They revere the dollar and their riches in the same way we revere compassion and knowledge. They think science is rubbish, but if you deal with their dollars, you had better agree with them.
Simply, the degree of certainty which scientists have over global warming/vaccines/evolution is much greater. Mainstream economists debate over the role of the Fed. There is not much mainstream debate over evolution. On subjects where experts agree, I tend to defer to them. On subjects where experts do not, I opine. An economist here btw
“To be completely honest, science has been really pissing me off lately. Between the bacteria that “eats plastic” and the planets that are “habitable” I’m getting a bit tired of hearing promises from scientists (and/or people in the science industry) telling us about their discoveries. That is the difference between science and politics. We still believe in science. When a politician tells us that health care is coming/reduced, we get excited because usually it’s a lie. When science says that global warming has been solved, we get upset because we still have faith in science but a majority of the time it results in a fail. “