Undis asked
3 hour ago

I’ve had it! You piss your pants when a non-scientist talks about global warming/vaccines/evolution. But when a non-economist talks about the Fed/Hedge Funds/Banking you droll all over that shit? How the FUCK does that make sense.

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  1. Eleonoora says:

    the events of the last few years prove that modern economic theory has some pretty big holes in it….

  2. LORIANN says:

    Because the average person has a lot more experience in their every day life with economics than they do with climate research and vaccination study.

  3. MAI says:

    Until I find an economist who can explain to me why we’re driving a limited resource planet into hell on the back of a whole lot of infinite-growth theories, then I won’t ever take an economist seriously. It is such an unscientific and compromised ($$) field that I find it hard to trust any economists. Most of them don’t even know they’re spouting bullshit, because it was told to them as straight fact.

  4. Satu-Maria says:

    Everyone knows scientists never lie. Bankers and economists, well that’s all we do. Sarcasm.

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