I also want to know why people are so quick to believe Al Gore about global warming when in the 70’s, liberals tried to push Global Cooling on the masses. Don’t you think that maybe average temperatures fluctuate like that? And that every little thing is normal and not a fucking End Of The World Conspiracy? http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,944914,00.html
“Economics as a science is questionable. It is not really a Nobel prize. It’s official name is the “Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel”. It was added much later and is not viewed by many to be on par with the other science prizes. Global warming, vaccines, and evolution can be accepted or refuted by scientific processes and peer reviewed for accuracy. Even if you are one to put economics on the same level as physics . It does not take an Economist to know when you’re getting fucked. “
“Meh. Anybody who still pays attention to economics “experts” hasn’t been paying attention. The entire discipline just got its ass handed to it. It’s as bad as what happened to alchemy during the twentieth century. Economics is basically just a bunch of gobbledygook that sounds technical and complicated and is used for justifying political opinions and political maneuvering. Wanna downvote me? Sound like I’m being a dick? Fine. How many fucking people is this comment or attitude going to put out of work? How much money is it going to steal from poor people? Contrast that with the damage that has been done by people claiming to understand how economies work. Fuck economics and fuck economists. They can all go shit down each others’ throats. “
because economics is not at all a hard science. While statistics and certain applications of economics are valid, things like political projections and broad financial predictions are totally useless. Keynesian, moneterist, whatever, its all bullshit
It doesn’t take a degree in economics to see that the banks fucked us all in the ass.
I also want to know why people are so quick to believe Al Gore about global warming when in the 70’s, liberals tried to push Global Cooling on the masses. Don’t you think that maybe average temperatures fluctuate like that? And that every little thing is normal and not a fucking End Of The World Conspiracy? http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,944914,00.html
Because science is peer reviewed, and economics is bullshit? 😀
“Economics as a science is questionable. It is not really a Nobel prize. It’s official name is the “Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel”. It was added much later and is not viewed by many to be on par with the other science prizes. Global warming, vaccines, and evolution can be accepted or refuted by scientific processes and peer reviewed for accuracy. Even if you are one to put economics on the same level as physics . It does not take an Economist to know when you’re getting fucked. “
Because economics is not science, economicists just make guesses, etc. it’s not a genuine field of anything.
“Meh. Anybody who still pays attention to economics “experts” hasn’t been paying attention. The entire discipline just got its ass handed to it. It’s as bad as what happened to alchemy during the twentieth century. Economics is basically just a bunch of gobbledygook that sounds technical and complicated and is used for justifying political opinions and political maneuvering. Wanna downvote me? Sound like I’m being a dick? Fine. How many fucking people is this comment or attitude going to put out of work? How much money is it going to steal from poor people? Contrast that with the damage that has been done by people claiming to understand how economies work. Fuck economics and fuck economists. They can all go shit down each others’ throats. “
because economics is not at all a hard science. While statistics and certain applications of economics are valid, things like political projections and broad financial predictions are totally useless. Keynesian, moneterist, whatever, its all bullshit
Everyone knows scientists never lie. Bankers and economists, well that’s all we do. Sarcasm.