Anji asked
1 week ago

Non-binary folks who speak languages where the gender of words is fundamental to the language (i.e. Spanish), what pronouns do you use?

Anjiis awaiting your help. Add your answer.

  1. “While I am nowhere near knowing even basic ASL, I know a few words/phrases and I know some of them are gendered, like the words for “father” versus “mother”, where the position of the hand is on the forehead or the chin. Do you know if there exists a gender neutral version of “parent” where the hand is in a different position but the shape and motion is the same? Or does that change the meaning of the word completely? “

  2. SHERLY says:

    I demand people to use female pronouns since my girlfriend and my friend group of upperclassmen are really the only people that know I’m non-binary.

  3. Rochester says:

    In English I usually use they them, but my mother tongue doesn’t have that option, or rather it’s the same as the female pronouns. So I just go with she/her there. However if I would be less feminine I would use neopronouns

  4. Sehrazat says:

    Fun fact: Bengali language has no gender

  5. abida says:

    Well in Urdu people probably just choose one gender, the one they dress up as.

  6. Duke says:

    for words that involve actions they mostly end in an a or o, example, baleada/baleado, they are the words for shooted

  7. Kenyon says:

    The regular pronouns depending on how masculine or feminine they look Just because you dislike something that isn’t praising a trans person doesn’t mean I’m transphobic and it doesn’t mean you’ve solved the worlds issues

  8. Gerrit says:

    I use it pronouns both in english and in german.

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