Dorine asked
1 month ago

Started getting bad acid reflux with coffee at age 30, What’s the best substitute that can still keep one boosted without the awful acidic feeling that ruins the whole day?

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  1. Adair says:

    A change in your diet may help reduce acidity. Drink a lot of water before bed, and a glass when you wake up. Then have breakfast and chase breakfast with coffee. Drinking it on an empty stomach will make you feel sick.

  2. Erek says:

    Same here. I just eat a lot of tums, but maybe tea would be better then coffee for getting your caffeine without the acidity? I don’t know.

  3. Wanvisa says:

    Have you tried tea? I’m a 2 or 3 pots a day coffee drinker, and when mine gets bad, I’ll switch to black tea for a couple days. Irish breakfast or earl grey are my go tos.

  4. Cold brew is far less acidic, and is delicious hot or cold

  5. Nazenin says:

    “”Tea, Earl Gray, Hot.” “

  6. Gina says:

    I had the same thing happen. I stopped making super strong coffee and take omeprazole every few days. Works like a charm.

  7. Aashild says:

    If you are having issues with acid reflux, try drinking small amounts (4 – 6 oz.) of ginger ale twice a day. This trick comes from my step father who has severe heart burn and tames it with this trick every day habitually.

  8. Demetria says:

    I was getting bad acid reflux for a few months. Then one day, I bought some Probiotics. Hasn’t happened since. People tell me it has nothing to do with it, but when I don’t take them for a few days I can tell the difference. Try it. It’s like $10 a jar and works well for me anyway.

  9. Pour two teaspoons of sodium carbonate in your coffee

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