Cimen asked
2 month ago

If you drank a vial of liquid luck which gave you an hour of pure luck, what would you do in that hour?

Cimenis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. ewelina says:

    Wait until after drinking the liquid luck before figuring out what to do. My current unlucky self has done a piss-poor job of picking the right things to do. My potion-fueled lucky self is guaranteed to figure out the best of that hour.

  2. Dana says:

    Well, let’s see. I live in Nevada, there are about 6 casinos in my city alone and I live thirty minutes from Reno. Tough choice.

  3. AI says:

    Get a creampie.

  4. Bronson says:

    Murder my enemy and get away with it

  5. Annnora says:

    I’d get laid 59 times.

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