Zerrin asked
2 month ago

If Peter Pan visited your room at night when you were a kid, what would your reaction have been?

Zerrinis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Quinn says:

    HEY! You’re not Shrek!!

  2. Tidora says:

    No, Peter, I won’t sleep with you! Oh, all right – I’ll give you an old fachion hand release

  3. Miira says:

    Hell no! Can’t I have a single night, without going on a crazy ass situation?! Fuck you Pete, and fuck your Land!

  4. JULIEANN says:

    I am become death..

  5. Fiia says:

    Go away I’m tryna sleep

  6. Ailey says:

    I probably would have taken his eye out

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