emelie asked
1 month ago

When did umm, uhh and err become acceptable in news reports, radio broadcasts and public speaking?

emelieis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Thai says:

    when we realized we were humans?

  2. Kimball says:

    Throughout school and college I was taught that it sounds unprofessional and as if you do not know what you’re talking about by using these terms. When did this become acceptable?

  3. JANIECE says:

    Robin Scherbatsky: but umm

  4. Silke Beich says:

    “Not sure… But this reminds me when I tried to watch Krystal Ball and Saagar on TheHill. She sounds like a valley girl when she talks. She can’t help but say “Um, like you know” through the whole show and it’s annoying as fuck. “

  5. kaisa says:

    I really noticed it a few years ago when, um, like, the millennials started showing up more.

  6. Ragne says:

    They have not.

  7. Anima says:

    It depends on how they sound. They figured out how certain umm’s, uhh’s and err’s sound sophisticated. You can tell when politicians who have served a billion years all sound the same with their umm’s, uhh’s and err’s.

  8. It has been proven that those phrases put in pauses actually help people process thought. It isn’t that people are being unprofessional, but people are human and it shows you are thinking/in the moment. Obviously not all of the time, but it is natural in speech pattern

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