“Back in the 60s the movie “Zulu” was made about the Battle of Rhoroke’s Drift between colonial British soldiers and the Zulu people’s native to the area. During the battle you see a young man, less than twenty die on an operation table and he asks the doctor “Why us? Why us? Why do we have to die?” The doctor replied “Because we’re here lad, ad nobody else…” “
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries
Hey hey hey hey smoke weed everyday
“”I am leagues different from x. Leagues, columns, digits, and colors.” “
“Back in the 60s the movie “Zulu” was made about the Battle of Rhoroke’s Drift between colonial British soldiers and the Zulu people’s native to the area. During the battle you see a young man, less than twenty die on an operation table and he asks the doctor “Why us? Why us? Why do we have to die?” The doctor replied “Because we’re here lad, ad nobody else…” “