QUYEN asked
1 month ago

When will “”jeans”” go out of fashion, as the most commonly worn garment?

QUYENis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Kellsie says:


  2. Kjellaug says:

    “”Are you wearing a suit?” “It’s past 6! What am I, a farmer?” “

  3. Barclay says:

    Doesn’t make any difference to me. I do not own a single pair of jeans.

  4. Gracie says:

    I already stopped wearing blue jeans. I only wear slacks or corduroy now

  5. Milton says:

    August 14th, 2042

  6. Hayden says:

    The Lindy Effect implies that social phenomena like ideas, technologies, and styles have life spans that follow the power law. That is, the older it is the longer it is likely to last. Roughly speaking blue jeans became popular clothing in the 1950s and so at this point the trend is likely to last another 60 years at least. This is the exact opposite of the jeans themselves which follow a gaussian distribution so that the older they get the more likely they are to fail.

  7. Corey says:

    I honestly think that cotton jeans are going to be replaced by hemp jeans, once the world gets past its marijuana hysteria. You still get a durable, breathable fabric, but without the need for so many pesticides. I think that comfy, practical pants are going to be in fashion as long as we fancy ourselves an egalitarian society.

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