In my opinion, Ulysses S. Grant, hands down. He was too good of a guy, and repeatedly refused that any of the people he worked with were capable of doing wrong, even when clear evidence was presented. This allowed for a TON of corruption to run rampant in his administration. In fact, Grant’s life is kind of a tragedy. He was a failure in everything he ever did: farming, clerk, investments, and even his father’s tanning business, in which he often grew sick at the sight of blood as a child. He was bad at everything except for the military, which wasn’t even apparent during his time at West Point, where he graduated low in the class, was usually tardy, and at the time didn’t even really care for military life. tl dr: Grant’s presidency was plagued with scandal and corruption, which he never really dealt with.
King Andrew Jackson. Genocide (Natives). Not Respecting the Supreme Court (Really irks me, i love the Supreme Court) by not respecting Marshall Law. To this day i always write douche bag on every 20 dollar bill. IDK why the south loves him so much! Probably because of the Battle of New Orleans. Although i kinda sympathize with him in the Peggy Eaton Affair.
I’m not American so I wouldn’t know, but do most Americans seriously know every President’s name, background, party and achivments (for good and bad) as if it were part of the national curriculum?
Reagan. Thanks to him, the right wing is hardcore religious, and as we all know, this causes major problems when Republicans open their mouthes. He worked at a toy store, though.
F.D. Roosevelt – For one main reason, although there are dozens: He sent hundreds of thousands of US citizens to concentration camps based on the color of their skin and Japanese heritage. He deprived them of Due Process of their liberty and property. It is by far the worst human rights violation in the USA since slavery.
Franklin Pierce for not doing anything to keep the Union together. He was a weak coward who’d rather pass the buck of civil war than make a hard choice for the country.
FDR. He made the Great Depression last several more years than it would have if he took a hands-off approach, and he created Social Security which I view as a large ponzi scheme.
GW Bush. A decade of war for Israel, with no end in sight. The Israelification of the USA. A massive surveillance state. Total crushing of dissent. Evisceration of the middle class and descent into feudalism.
In my opinion, Ulysses S. Grant, hands down. He was too good of a guy, and repeatedly refused that any of the people he worked with were capable of doing wrong, even when clear evidence was presented. This allowed for a TON of corruption to run rampant in his administration. In fact, Grant’s life is kind of a tragedy. He was a failure in everything he ever did: farming, clerk, investments, and even his father’s tanning business, in which he often grew sick at the sight of blood as a child. He was bad at everything except for the military, which wasn’t even apparent during his time at West Point, where he graduated low in the class, was usually tardy, and at the time didn’t even really care for military life. tl dr: Grant’s presidency was plagued with scandal and corruption, which he never really dealt with.
King Andrew Jackson. Genocide (Natives). Not Respecting the Supreme Court (Really irks me, i love the Supreme Court) by not respecting Marshall Law. To this day i always write douche bag on every 20 dollar bill. IDK why the south loves him so much! Probably because of the Battle of New Orleans. Although i kinda sympathize with him in the Peggy Eaton Affair.
I’m not American so I wouldn’t know, but do most Americans seriously know every President’s name, background, party and achivments (for good and bad) as if it were part of the national curriculum?
Reagan. Thanks to him, the right wing is hardcore religious, and as we all know, this causes major problems when Republicans open their mouthes. He worked at a toy store, though.
F.D. Roosevelt – For one main reason, although there are dozens: He sent hundreds of thousands of US citizens to concentration camps based on the color of their skin and Japanese heritage. He deprived them of Due Process of their liberty and property. It is by far the worst human rights violation in the USA since slavery.
Franklin Pierce for not doing anything to keep the Union together. He was a weak coward who’d rather pass the buck of civil war than make a hard choice for the country.
FDR. He made the Great Depression last several more years than it would have if he took a hands-off approach, and he created Social Security which I view as a large ponzi scheme.
GW Bush. A decade of war for Israel, with no end in sight. The Israelification of the USA. A massive surveillance state. Total crushing of dissent. Evisceration of the middle class and descent into feudalism.