Nannette asked
3 month ago

Vegans/Vegetarians: Do you think differently about lab-grown meat than you do about meat from animals? Why or why not?

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  1. Kylila says:

    i’m vegan cause i don’t like meat. the taste, smell, etc. been vegan for years and i don’t think i could ever eat something that closely resembles meat without feeling nauseous.

  2. Joyan says:

    Labradors are animals too, so I would never eat one.

  3. Amata says:

    This is also a question that has always been at the back of my mind

  4. turid says:

    I think about them completely differently. One currently causes and perpetuates the suffering and killing of hundreds of billions of sentient individuals every year, if not trillions. The other does not.

  5. Thatcher says:

    “Nah to be honest meat just seems a bit “icky” to me after six years of not eating it, so I doubt I’d try it even if it was available. I tried a beyond burger recently and I though if that’s anything like what meat tastes like I’m not missing out. Plus I doubt you could really get the cells from a cow to start off the cloning without any kind of exploitation/ violence, so it would most likely be off the cards for vegans anyway. “

  6. My reasons for being vegetarian are based on environmentalism. I’m thinking about going a bit more vegan too eventually. My only question about the lab grown meat would be about the environmental effects of it, and since it’s likely to be better for the environment, I’d probably support it. But I won’t lie, I’d probably have to get over the ick factor to actually try some, because I’ve been vegetarian since birth.

  7. Shurlock says:

    I think the pretend meat stuff is creepy! But I also would never want to eat American meat especially because I think it is disgusting from animal diet to slaughter. Just poison crap in those poor guys! If someone is going to eat meat, I would want it to be as healthy and high quality and safe as possible for them. But no thanks for me. Don’t likey.

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